Thursday, June 17, 2010


Though I deeply admire anyone that can get some paint/ink/chalk onto paper in any form that invokes beauty or emotion (since I can't do it at all), I don't own enough original artwork.  The majority of framed things on my walls are botanical prints (flowers, butterflies, birds, mushrooms etc.), with a few antique enamel French street signs and flea market architectural images mixed in. My very favorite pieces I own though are four original tiny watercolors I bought from an equally tiny old lady who paints on the bridge in Paris that has a view of Notre Dame.  They are beautiful little Paris city-scenes; so quaint and charming without even a touch of icky cuteness.

But now I have the sweet little watercolors of gollybard on my wishlist. I didn't realize I was such a tiny watercolor fan, but I just love these so much. (No, Holly from gollybard did not contact me, offer me free art for pimping her out, or beg for a little blog mention. Much to my chagrin, damn it!). Charming and quaint, without even a touch of icky cuteness. Perfectly lovely, and destined for my walls I believe.  (Husband...are you reading this???)
All images from Gollybard aka Holly.  Gollybard's etsy shop; blog; flickr stream


holly aka golly said...

Alexa, I'm so honored. Thank you for the feature! A lovely surprise!

Vermont Wedding Venues said...

Cute!...the butterflies are soo cute!...Love them all...