Friday, January 30, 2009

week in review (january 30 edition)

It's been forever since I've done this, but I'm curled up on the couch this afternoon and it seems like the perfect time. Yep--still putting off downloading photos! (picture above from Jordan's SF guide. Those in the know, know.)

So...Elizabeth Anne Designs featured a gorgeous wedding shot by Amy Squires, and I seem to have an overpowering attraction to colored foamy ruffles right now. I'm going to have to go buy an un-wedding dress version soon I think. The pink peonies the bride carried are the cat's pajamas.

More gorgeous pink peonies from Artfool via Once Wed.

Cattelaya orchids always make me stop and stare. Heather's photography does too.

And right about here is how and where I'd like to spend Super Bowl Sunday. With the Super Bowl food in tow, but none of the other trappings. And this incongruously beautiful ceiling above. (Finds from Please Sir. Love that girl's eclectic taste! Sculpture by Tara Donovan)

In other news...I pet a cockroach this morning at the Bug Safari with the boys. This is not standard practice for me, rest assured.


rebekah said...

Wasn't that dress beautiful?

James McCormick said...

It's nice seeing wedding photography that hasn't been over processed. Thanks for sharing